Approaching the End

At the beginning of a semester, I often tell students in my face to face classes that, “It will be November (or April) before you know it.” And here we are. We’re a week away from Thanksgiving Break and you’re finishing the initial draft of your final Writing Project. The old saying goes, “Time flies when you’re having fun,” but I’ve found that time flies regardless of how much fun you’re having. And here we are. We’re about to finish the first full COVID semester, the future still unsure. However, I have a few suggestions to make at least your future in this class a bit surer.

            First, I have a few suggestions for Writing Project Three. You’ve finished your initial draft of the paper. Make a personal goal of finishing as much of the revision as possible this week, before the Thanksgiving Break begins. I’m not saying it should be ready to submit by Friday, but you should revise and at least be nearly finished by Friday. Why?

Your turkey will taste better if you’re not worried about your paper.

            And while I don’t want you to worry about your paper (You’re all capable of writing this paper! You are!), I do want you to take it seriously as it’s worth thirty percent of your grade. In case you’re mathematically challenged, this means that the assignment is worth three full letter grades. So if you get the lowest C minus, you’re almost losing a whole letter grade from your final grade. Don’t be afraid. Take the assignment seriously, give your best effort and you’ll do fine. And try to do most of that work this week, if you’re able.

            To help you write the best paper you can, I’ve made the paper due on Wednesday, December 2. This gives you a few days to give your assignment finishing touches after Thanksgiving Break. And if your paper needs more than just the finishing touches, you’ll have some time for that, too. One reason I say that you should try to work as much this week as possible it that my comments from the conference will be fresh in your mind, and you can make revisions with our conversation in mind. Another reason for finishing or nearly finishing this week, is that you’ll be able to leave the paper alone over Thanksgiving and when we return from break, you can look at it with fresh eyes. You’ll be more likely to spot weaknesses, awkward phrasing, and even typos if you approach a draft with fresh eyes, making it easier for you to submit a great paper.

It’s also kind of a dick move to make a paper due the day after a break, so I’m not doing it. You’re welcome.

Even though I can be a dick sometimes . . .

Finally, don’t be afraid to contact me if you’re having serious challenges in finishing WP Three. If necessary, we can set a new due date; however, we are limited by the end of the semester and the deadline for submitting grades. Even if you don’t need an extension, contact me with any questions or problems that you have. Another statement I frequently repeat in my face to face classes is, “I don’t take many things seriously, but I am serious when it comes to helping students.” Again, I’m here to help you, so contact me at any time throughout the process and I’ll offer whatever support that I can.

I would also like to wish you all a great break and a happy Thanksgiving. I hope that you’re able to relax a bit over break and can finish the semester strong, even if finishing the semester strong for you means “finishing the semester.” If possible, relax over the break. Stay safe. Eat some good food.         

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